Geografia e Relações Internacionais: um debate sobre as complementaridades disciplinares no modelo de simulação das Nações Unidas do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro

Geography and International Relations: a debate on disciplinary complementarities in the United Nations simulation model at the Military College of Rio de Janeiro


  • Vitor Stuart Gabriel de Pieri Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/UERJ Autor
  • Marcelo Barbosa Rodrigues Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro Autor



Teaching of Geography, International relations, Simulation Practice, UN, Military College


The present work deals with the preliminary result of a research that aims to identify and analyze pedagogical instruments that use contents of school geography linked to the simulation models of the United Nations (UN) and based on these analyses, seeks to propose new activities that contribute to the teaching-learning process in a more effective and profitable way. As it is an extension activity at the Military College of Rio de Janeiro (CMRJ), the concerns related to the practices carried out at the Osvaldo Aranha International Relations Club (CRIO) are based on the lack of a preparatory course for the students who participate of the project, since the content verified in the Didactic Execution Plan, especially for the 8th and 9th years of elementary school, are not sufficient for the broad use and understanding of the worked cases, even more so when considering the subjectivities of each one of the professors due to his background in geographic science. In this sense, after surveying all the themes worked on in CRIO and the due crossing with the CMRJ Didactic Execution Plan, the need to elaborate an extension menu with more specific disciplines from the field of studies in International Relations, such as way to complement the content studied throughout basic education for a better use of simulations.

Biografia do Autor

  • Vitor Stuart Gabriel de Pieri, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/UERJ

    Doutor em Geografia pela UNICAMP, Professor Adjunto IV do Instituto de Geografia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/UERJ.

  • Marcelo Barbosa Rodrigues, Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro

    Tenente-Coronel do Exército, Professor de Geografia do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro, Mestrando pelo PROFGEO/UERJ.




Como Citar

Geografia e Relações Internacionais: um debate sobre as complementaridades disciplinares no modelo de simulação das Nações Unidas do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro: Geography and International Relations: a debate on disciplinary complementarities in the United Nations simulation model at the Military College of Rio de Janeiro. (2023). Revista Intelector, 19(38), 21-32.